新加坡,2024 年 4 月 15 日——新加坡人工智能峰会宣布在该地区举行首届峰会,亚洲科技行业正准备迎接前所未有的创新和知识交流浪潮。峰会将在 ATxEnterprise 举行,这是亚洲科技 x 新加坡的一部分,也是该地区最大的科技盛会。今年,这一具有里程碑意义的活动定于 5 月 29 日至 31 日在新加坡博览中心首次亮相,有望改变该地区的技术格局。
全球知名的人工智能峰会系列自 2016 年以来就以汇聚全球人工智能行业爱好者而闻名,如今其影响力正延伸至亚洲腹地。人工智能峰会系列的往届会议取得了巨大成功,包括 2023 年 12 月在纽约举办的最新会议,共有 3,497 名参会者,其中 83% 的人积极投资高达 500 万美元的人工智能相关项目。
人工智能峰会系列营销总监 Rory Crone 表示:“我们很高兴能在 2024 年将人工智能峰会系列带到亚洲,而新加坡是我们举办首届峰会的完美选择。作为全球科技和创新领域的领导者,新加坡为促进合作和推动人工智能进步提供了理想的平台。我们期待着欢迎来自该地区及其他地区的参与者在新加坡人工智能峰会上探索人工智能的变革潜力。”
新加坡是全球领先的科技中心,致力于培育人工智能创新,其在人工智能领域的投资高达 10 亿美元。其中包括投入高达 5 亿美元来加强推动私营和公共部门人工智能创新所需的基础设施。通过这样做,新加坡旨在促进人工智能技术的采用,这些举措使其成为在亚洲举办人工智能峰会系列活动的理想举办城市。
作为 ATxEnterprise 的一项新旗舰活动,新加坡人工智能峰会旨在通过汇集来自世界各地的顶尖专家和创新者来探索人工智能的最新趋势、发展和应用,为亚洲的人工智能发展和应用营造一个充满活力的生态系统。
此外,此次会议还提供了前所未有的交流机会,企业、初创企业和投资者可以与全球思想领袖和行业先驱进行交流。活跃的讨论和互动会议旨在为与会者提供有关最新 AI 趋势和最佳实践的可行见解,使他们能够在当今的竞争环境中脱颖而出——从扩展策略到道德部署考虑。
AI Frontiers:致力于人工智能创新和进步的前沿,突破技术界限,为数字世界发掘新的可能性
瑞银网络准备主管 Deblina Majumder
Wayfair 总监 Ankit Mangal
Florence Lewine,美国国土安全部政策顾问
Peter Morrison,BP 新加坡数字科学负责人
Kim Hong MAK,新加坡银行数据部落负责人、数据与分析和治理执行董事
“随着首届新加坡人工智能峰会的临近,我们敦促亚洲及其他地区所有具有前瞻性思维的领导者、企业和创新者加入我们,共同塑造人工智能的未来。我们很高兴有机会合作、分享知识,为人工智能的变革性进步铺平道路。立即注册并参与这一历史性时刻,我们将踏上这一开创性的旅程,释放人工智能在亚洲的全部潜力,”新加坡人工智能峰会投资组合经理兼会议制作人 Jingjing Virgo 表示。
商业 AI 诞生的地方!ATxEnterprise 新加坡 AI 峰会是亚洲科技 x 新加坡的一部分,也是该地区的旗舰科技节。峰会汇集了来自全球各地的高管决策者和投资者以及技术供应商和数据专家,以建立联系、学习和建立合作伙伴关系,从而在企业中成功实施 AI 技术。
关于 Asia Tech x Singapore (ATxSG)
ATxSG 2024 是亚洲领先的科技盛会,由新加坡资讯通信媒体发展局 (IMDA) 和 Informa Tech 联合举办,并得到新加坡旅游局 (STB) 的支持。该盛会由两个主要部分组成:ATxSummit 和 ATxEnterprise。
Singapore, April 15 2024 – The tech industry in Asia braces for an unprecedented wave of innovation and knowledge exchange as The AI Summit Singapore announces its inaugural edition launch in the region, set to take place at ATxEnterprise, a part of Asia Tech x Singapore — the region’s largest technology event. Scheduled to debut this year on 29 - 31 May at the Singapore EXPO, this landmark event promises to be a game-changer for the region's technological landscape.
The globally renowned AI Summit Series, known for gathering AI industry enthusiasts from around the world since 2016, is extending its reach to the heart of Asia. Previous conferences from The AI Summit Series have been immensely successful, including the latest New York installation in December 2023, which saw a total of 3,497 attendees, with 83% actively investing up to $5M in AI-related projects.
"We are thrilled to bring The AI Summit Series to Asia in 2024, and Singapore is the perfect choice for our inaugural edition," said Rory Crone, Marketing Director of The AI Summit Series. "As a global leader in technology and innovation, Singapore provides an ideal platform for fostering collaboration and driving advancements in AI. We look forward to welcoming participants from across the region and beyond to explore the transformative potential of artificial intelligence at The AI Summit Singapore event."
Singapore’s status as a premier tech hub, coupled with its commitment to nurturing innovation in artificial intelligence is exemplified by its $1 billion investment into AI. This includes dedicating up to $500 million to bolster the infrastructure necessary for driving AI innovation across both private and public sectors. By doing so, Singapore aims to facilitate their adoption of AI technologies, and such initiatives make it the perfect host city for launching the AI Summit Series in Asia.
Hosted as a new anchor flagship event of ATxEnterprise, The AI Summit Singapore aims to foster a vibrant ecosystem for AI development and adoption in Asia by bringing together leading experts and innovators from around the world to explore the latest trends, developments, and applications in AI.
Furthermore, the conference presents unprecedented networking opportunities, where enterprises, startups, and investors intersect with global thought leaders and industry pioneers. Dynamic discussions and interactive sessions aim to provide attendees with actionable insights into the latest AI trends and best practices, empowering them to excel in today's competitive environment—from scaling strategies to ethical deployment considerations.
The AI Summit Singapore will feature four key content tracks:
AI at Scale: Brings together senior executives, decision-makers, budget holders and team leaders, to offer a comprehensive guide to effectively scale AI in their business operations
AI Industry Applications: Provides in-depth insights into strategic solutions that enable successful, ethical, and safe AI integration in key industry sectors like telco, healthcare, finance, and manufacturing
Safeguarding AI: Focuses on the challenges businesses face in ensuring safe AI practices, while balancing the innovative capabilities of AI
AI Frontiers: Dedicated to the pioneering edge of AI innovations and advancements, pushing the boundaries of technology and unveiling new possibilities for the digital world
The event will also headline some of the tech industry’s biggest names, including:
Deblina Majumder, Cyber Readiness Lead of UBS
Ankit Mangal, Director of Wayfair
Florence Lewine, Policy Adviser, U.S. Department of Homeland Security
Peter Morrison, Digital Science Principal, BP Singapore
Kim Hong MAK, Executive Director, Data Tribe Lead, Data & Analytics and Governance, Bank of Singapore
"As the inaugural edition of The AI Summit Singapore approaches, we urge all forward-thinking leaders, businesses, and innovators across Asia and beyond to join us in shaping the future of artificial intelligence. We’re excited about this opportunity to collaborate, share knowledge, and pave the way for transformative advancements in AI. Register now and be part of this historic moment as we embark on this pioneering journey to unlock the full potential of AI in Asia," said Jingjing Virgo, Portfolio Manager and Conference Producer for The AI Summit Singapore.
To secure your space at this conference, purchase your passes at asiatechxsg.com/registration.
For more information or any press inquiries, please contact press@budcomms.com.
The AI Summit Singapore
Where Commercial AI Comes to Life! The AI Summit Singapore at ATxEnterprise is part of Asia Tech x Singapore – the region’s flagship tech festival.The Summit gathers executive decision-makers and investors with technology vendors and data specialists from across the globe to network, learn, and forge partnerships for the successful implementation of AI technology in enterprises.
About Asia Tech x Singapore (ATxSG)
ATxSG 2024 is Asia’s leading technology event jointly organised by Infocomm Media Development Authority (IMDA) and Informa Tech, supported by the Singapore Tourism Board (STB). The event consists of two main segments, ATxSummit and ATxEnterprise.