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来源:来自新加坡通讯展官网 | 作者:环企会展-001 | 发布时间: 312天前 | 790 次浏览 | 分享到:
亚洲旗舰 B2B 科技盛会 ATxEnterprise 将于 5 月 29 日至 31 日盛大回归,新加坡人工智能峰会也将加入其阵容

第四届亚洲科技新加坡 (ATxSG) 旗舰 B2B 活动 ATxEnterprise 今年再次回归,其议程更加广泛,汇集了来自全球的远见卓识者、专家、政府和行业领袖,共同探讨人工智能技术的趋势、其法规及其对数字经济和社会的影响。

新加坡,2024 年 3 月 4 日——新加坡资讯通信媒体发展局 (IMDA) 和领先的市场洞察和访问提供商 Informa Tech 在新加坡旅游局 (STB) 的支持下,今天宣布ATxEnterprise回归,成为该地区最大的科技盛会Asia Tech x Singapore (ATxSG)的旗舰活动之一。

ATxEnterprise将于2024 年 5 月 29 日至 31 日在新加坡博览中心举行,并将通过一项新的重头活动——新加坡人工智能峰会来扩大其议程阵容。为期三天的峰会将接待来自国际技术生态系统的22,000 多名全球领导者行业决策者。峰会将举办大量同场活动,旨在让参与者建立联系并随时掌握最新的技术趋势、挑战和机遇。

ATxSG 活动总监Patricia Cheong表示:“今年的 ATxEnterprise 标志着科技行业的一个关键时刻,全球领导者和创新者的汇聚不仅将塑造技术的未来,还将重新定义我们联系、协作和创造的方式。”随着新加坡人工智能峰会加入我们的行列,我们准备在促进变革性讨论、培养宝贵的合作伙伴关系和推出突破性解决方案(尤其是在人工智能领域)方面树立新的标杆,推动科技行业向前发展。”


在第四届年度峰会上,ATxEnterprise 将重点关注人工智能及其对数字经济和社会的影响。

这项旗舰级 B2B 盛会将在新加坡博览中心举行,汇聚科技、创新和投资领域的顶尖人物,展示他们如何塑造未来行业,从绿色科技到网络安全和区块链。ATxEnterprise 将在其活动中讨论最热门的科技主题,包括:

  • BroadcastAsia:亚洲广播、媒体和娱乐专业人士的聚会场所,探讨广播的未来和前进战略

  • CommunicAsia:汇集通信服务提供商 (CSP)、市场颠覆者、技术供应商、系统集成商、云提供商和其他 ICT 利益相关者,探讨不断发展的电信生态系统的影响

  • SatelliteAsia:汇聚全球领先的卫星通信提供商,展示最新的创新和解决方案

  • TechXLR8Asia:聚集人工智能、网络安全、物联网、云、数据和量子技术以及区块链领域的领导者,利用颠覆性技术的力量来改变亚太地区的城市和企业。

  • Innovfest x Elevating Founders:亚洲科技 x 新加坡官方创业活动,旨在培育初创企业并促进该地区的创业精神

此次综合展示处于技术前沿,让与会者近距离了解尖端创新。ATxEnterprise拥有来自全球各地的 400 多位演讲者和 1,000 多家参展商,其中包括:

  • Sudhir Tiku,博世亚洲区副总裁

  • Carousell 集团首席战略官兼马来西亚首席执行官 Gaurav Bhasin

  • Feon Ang,领英亚太区总经理

  • Snap 亚太区总裁 Ajit Mohan

  • 加布里埃尔·拉扎罗 (Gabriel Lazaro),Chubb 高级副总裁、数字业务主管

在活动周开始前,ATxEnterprise 还将在场外的各个地点举办研讨会和实验室参观活动。同时,在活动期间,与会者可以期待主要的 ATxSG 展览和整个展厅的 AI Tech Tours,在那里他们可以亲眼目睹来自知名参展商的最新 AI 产品。此外,在为期三天的活动中,与会者还有大量机会相互交流,包括第一天的特别欢乐时光。


今年,ATxEnterprise 还将推出一项新的重点活动——新加坡人工智能峰会,以强调人工智能对科技行业日益增长的影响。

作为全球知名的人工智能峰会系列的一部分,这一顶级活动自 2016 年以来聚集了来自世界各地的人工智能行业爱好者,提供了如何保持人工智能领先地位的可行见解:从最佳实践技巧到扩展策略;推出安全、合乎道德的部署到资源和人才考虑。



  • 大规模人工智能:汇聚高管、决策者、预算持有者和团队领导,提供全面指南,以便在业务运营中有效扩展人工智能

  • 人工智能行业应用:深入洞察战略解决方案,实现电信、医疗保健、金融和制造业等关键行业领域成功、合乎道德且安全的人工智能集成

  • 保障人工智能安全:重点关注企业在确保人工智能安全实践以及平衡人工智能创新能力方面面临的挑战

  • AI Frontiers:致力于人工智能创新和进步的前沿,突破技术界限,为数字世界发掘新的可能性


  • 瑞银执行董事Rochak Agrawal

  • Wayfair 总监 Ankit Mangal

  • 国土安全部人工智能政策顾问 Noah Ringler

  • 新加坡太空科技有限公司执行主席Jonathan Huang

  • Kim Hong MAK,新加坡银行数据部落负责人、数据与分析和治理执行董事

Informa Tech应用智能集团副总裁兼市场负责人 Jenalea Howell表示:“随着人工智能的快速发展及其深远影响,新加坡人工智能峰会成为 ATxEnterprise 阵容的重要补充,为人工智能创新前沿的人士提供无与伦比的见解和交流机会。新加坡充满活力的科技生态系统和前瞻性思维使其成为人工智能峰会系列在亚洲落地的理想地点,使全球思想领袖能够汇聚一堂,共同规划这个充满活力地区的人工智能未来。”


除了 ATxEnterprise,ATxSG 的头条活动还包括ATxSummit(2024 年 5 月 30 日至 31 日),这是一项受邀活动,汇集全球政府、全球企业、决策者和社区,深入讨论技术在我们共同的全球数字未来中的作用。ATxSG 是该地区最具影响力和规模最大的旗舰技术活动,将涵盖一系列主题,包括人工智能、数字信任、科技初创企业、量子计算和可持续性,涉及四大关键支柱:科技 x 信任、科技 x 好、科技 x 建设者和科技 x 创意。

ATxSummit 还将迎来其标志性的ATxAI 会议的回归,该会议将汇集全球 AI 远见卓识者和来自政府和企业的专家,就 AI 可信度、法规、创新的最新趋势及其对全球经济和社会的影响进行发人深省的对话。,今年的 ATxSummit 将聚焦新加坡科技女性,以及多场政府对政府、政府对企业的闭门圆桌会议,以促进公共部门和数字行业之间建立更紧密的伙伴关系。


通过 ATxEnterprise 和其他一系列活动,ATxSG 有望成为创新的催化剂和思想的熔炉,吸引来自世界各地的思想领袖、行业专家和爱好者,预示着技术的新时代的到来,创新与协作融合,重新定义数字化未来,为行业发展设定新标准。

2024 年 5 月 29 日至 31 日,参加 ATxEnterprise 和 ATxSG 在新加坡举办的其他旗舰活动,参与塑造未来世界。如需了解有关活动议程、演讲者和注册的更多信息,请访问:asiatechxsg.com


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关于 Asia Tech x Singapore (ATxSG)

ATxSG 2024 是亚洲领先的科技盛会,由新加坡资讯通信媒体发展局 (IMDA) 和 Informa Tech 联合举办,并得到新加坡旅游局 (STB) 的支持。该盛会由两个主要部分组成:ATxSummit 和 ATxEnterprise。

关于新加坡资讯通信媒体发展局 (IMDA)

资讯通信媒体发展局 (IMDA) 通过发展充满活力的数字经济和包容性的数字社会引领新加坡的数字化转型。作为新加坡数字化未来的建筑师,我们通过制定先进的法规、利用前沿技术、发展本地人才和数字基础设施生态系统来促进资讯通信技术和媒体行业的增长,从而将新加坡打造为数字大都市。如需了解更多新闻和信息,请访问www.imda.gov.sg。

关于Informa Tech

Informa Tech 位于全球技术行业的中心。作为市场洞察和市场准入的领先提供商,我们的目标是培育一个蓬勃发展的技术社区,以构建一个更美好、更可持续的世界。

Informa Tech 拥有 100 多个知名和值得信赖的科技品牌。此次旗舰活动加入了 Informa Tech 的全球科技节组合,包括伦敦科技周和非洲科技节。这些活动在蓬勃发展的创新中心举办,旨在团结科技生态系统,确保企业和社会的数字化未来。欲了解更多信息,请访问www.informatech.com


The 4th edition of Asia Tech x Singapore’s (ATxSG) flagship B2B event ATxEnterprise, returns this year with an expanded and bigger agenda, bringing together visionaries, experts, governments, and industry leaders from across the globe to discuss trends in AI technologies, its regulations, and their impact on the digital economy and society.

Singapore, 4 March 2024 – Singapore’s Infocomm Media Development Authority (IMDA) and the leading provider of market insight and access, Informa Tech, with the support of the Singapore Tourism Board (STB), today announced the return of ATxEnterprise, headlining as one of the flagship events of Asia Tech x Singapore (ATxSG), the region’s largest technology event.

To be held on 29 to 31 May 2024, at the Singapore Expo, ATxEnterprise is expanding its agenda lineup with a new anchor event, The AI Summit Singapore. The three-day junction is set to host over 22,000 global leaders and industry decision-makers across the international technology ecosystem. Featuring a wealth of co-located events, it aims to enable participants to network and keep their fingers on the pulse of latest tech trends, challenges and opportunities.

“This year’s edition of ATxEnterprise marks a pivotal moment for the tech industry, where the convergence of global leaders and innovators will not only shape the future of technology but also redefine the way we connect, collaborate, and create,” says Patricia Cheong, Event Director, ATxSG. With the addition of The AI Summit Singapore in our roster, we are poised to set new benchmarks in facilitating transformative discussions, fostering invaluable partnerships, and unveiling groundbreaking solutions, especially in the realm of AI, that will propel the tech industry forward."

Redefining Tech for a Better Future

In this fourth annual edition, ATxEnterprise will be putting the spotlight on AI and its impact on the digital economy and society.

Taking place at the Singapore Expo, the flagship business-to-business event will be convening the biggest names in technology, innovation and investment to showcase how they are shaping the industries of the future, from green tech to cybersecurity and blockchain. ATxEnterprise will be hosting the hottest tech topics across its events, including:

  • BroadcastAsia: The meeting place for Asia's broadcasters, media and entertainment professionals to discuss the future of broadcast and the strategies to move forward

  • CommunicAsia: Brings together communication service providers (CSPs), market disruptors, technology vendors, system integrators, cloud providers and other ICT stakeholders to discuss the the impact of the evolving telco ecosystem

  • SatelliteAsia: Brings together leading satcom providers from around the world, showcasing the latest innovations and solutions

  • TechXLR8Asia: Gathers leaders in AI, Cybersecurity, IoT, Cloud, Data and Quantum Technology and Blockchain to harness the power of disruptive technology to transform cities and businesses in APAC.

  • Innovfest x Elevating Founders: The Official Start-up event of Asia Tech x Singapore, aiming to nurture start-ups and promote entrepreneurship in the region

This comprehensive showcase is at the forefront of technology, giving attendees a closer look at cutting-edge innovations. With over 400 speakers and 1,000 exhibitors from across the globe, ATxEnterprise boasts of esteemed headliners such as:

  • Sudhir Tiku, Vice President, Asia, Bosch

  • Gaurav Bhasin, Group Chief Strategy Officer and CEO Malaysia, Carousell

  • Feon Ang, General Manager APAC, LinkedIn

  • Ajit Mohan, President APAC, Snap

  • Gabriel Lazaro, SVP, Head of Digital, Chubb

Ahead of the event week, ATxEnterprise will also feature workshops and lab tours in various offsite locations. Meanwhile, during the event proper, attendees can look forward to the main ATxSG exhibition and AI Tech Tours across the showfloor, where they can have a first-hand look of the latest AI products from esteemed exhibitors. More than that, there are tons of opportunities to network among attendees across the three-day event, including a special happy hour on Day 1.

The AI Summit Singapore

This year, ATxEnterprise is also introducing a new anchor event in its line-up, The AI Summit Singapore, to shine a light on the growing impact of AI in the tech industry.

As part of the globally renowned AI Summit Series, which has gathered AI industry enthusiasts from around the globe since 2016, this premier event offers actionable insights into staying ahead with AI: from best practice tips to strategies for scaling; rolling out secure, ethical deployments to resource and talent considerations.

Bridging visionary technology with strategic business insights, The AI Summit Singapore explores AI’s real-world impact and future potential, making it a must-attend for visionary business leaders looking to steer and define the future path of AI in Asia’s business world.

The AI Summit Singapore will feature four key content tracks:

  • AI at Scale: Brings together senior executives, decision-makers, budget holders and team leaders, to offer a comprehensive guide to effectively scale AI in their business operations

  • AI Industry Applications: Provides in-depth insights into strategic solutions that enable successful, ethical, and safe AI integration in key industry sectors like telco, healthcare, finance, and manufacturing

  • Safeguarding AI: Focuses on the challenges businesses face in ensuring safe AI practices, while balancing the innovative capabilities of AI

  • AI Frontiers: Dedicated to the pioneering edge of AI innovations and advancements, pushing the boundaries of technology and unveiling new possibilities for the digital world

The event will also headline some of the tech industry’s biggest names, including:

  • Rochak, Agrawal, Executive Director of UBS

  • Ankit Mangal, Director of Wayfair

  • Noah Ringler, AI Policy Adviser at the Department of Homeland Security

  • Jonathan Huang, Executive Chairman of the Singapore Space and Technology Limited

  • Kim Hong MAK, Executive Director, Data Tribe Lead, Data & Analytics and Governance, Bank of Singapore

"With the rapid evolution of AI and its profound implications, The AI Summit Singapore emerges as a crucial addition to the lineup of ATxEnterprise, offering unparalleled insights and networking opportunities for those at the forefront of AI innovation," says Jenalea Howell, VP and Market Lead, Applied Intelligence Group at Informa Tech. “Singapore's vibrant tech ecosystem and forward-thinking approach make it the perfect location for the AI Summit Series to land in Asia, enabling global thought leaders to converge and chart the future of AI in this dynamic region.”

Other Highlights

Apart from ATxEnterprise, ATxSG is headlined by ATxSummit (30-31 May 2024), a by-invitation event convening global governments, global enterprises, decision makers and communities for in-depth discussions on the role of technology in our shared global digital future. ATxSG, the region’s most influential and largest flagship technology event will cover a range of topics including AI, digital trust, tech startups, quantum computing, and sustainability across four key pillars: Tech x Trust, Tech x Good, Tech x Builders and Tech x Creative.

ATxSummit will also see the return of its signature ATxAI conference bringing together global AI visionaries and experts from both government and businesses in thought-provoking conversations on the latest trends in AI trustworthiness, regulations, innovation and its implications for the global economy and society.,This year’s edition of ATxSummit will spotlight on SG Women in Tech, as well as several government to government and government to business closed-door roundtables to facilitate closer partnerships between the public sector and digital industry.

Pioneering Tech Collaboration and Innovation

Through ATxEnterprise and other lineup of events, ATxSG is poised to be a catalyst for innovation and a melting pot of ideas, attracting thought leaders, industry experts, and enthusiasts from around the world, heralding a new era in tech, where innovation converges with collaboration to redefine the digital future and set novel standards for the industry's evolution.

Join the ATxEnterprise and rest of ATxSG’s flagship events in Singapore from 29 to 31 May 2024, and be a part of shaping tomorrow's world today. For more information on event agenda, speakers, and registration, please visit: asiatechxsg.com.

For media inquiries, please contact press@budcomms.com.

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About Asia Tech x Singapore (ATxSG)

ATxSG 2024 is Asia’s leading technology event jointly organised by Infocomm Media Development Authority (IMDA) and Informa Tech, supported by the Singapore Tourism Board (STB). The event consists of two main segments, ATxSummit and ATxEnterprise.

About the Infocomm Media Development Authority (IMDA)

The Infocomm Media Development Authority (IMDA) leads Singapore’s digital transformation by developing a vibrant digital economy and an inclusive digital society. As Architects of Singapore’s Digital Future, we foster growth in Infocomm Technology and Media sectors in concert with progressive regulations, harnessing frontier technologies, and developing local talent and digital infrastructure ecosystems to establish Singapore as a digital metropolis. For more news and information, visit www.imda.gov.sg.

About Informa Tech

Informa Tech sits at the heart of the global technology industry. As a leading provider of market insight and market access, our aim is to cultivate a thriving technology community to build a better, more sustainable world.

Informa Tech is home to over 100 renowned and trusted tech brands. This flagship event joins Informa Tech's portfolio of global tech festivals including London Tech Week and Africa Tech Festival. Hosted in thriving innovation hubs, these events aim to unite the tech ecosystem in securing a digital future for business and society. For more information, please visit www.informatech.com.